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Electronics > Video: TVs, DVD Players, VCRs, Plasma, Camcorders, etc > Plasma Displays > Plasma Stands, Wall Mounts, Cases & Accessories > Plasma Stands > Akai PT50DLSTD TV Stand for PT50DL14 50" DLP Rear Projection TV, Silver color finish, Dimensions: 46.5"W x 17.3"H x 16.0"D, Weight: 55.0 lbs, One adjustable shelf, Alternative to PT50DLSTD2 (PT-50DLSTD PT50DLST PT50DLS PT50DL PT50D PT50)
Akai PT50DLSTD TV Stand for PT50DL14 50
Akai PT50DLSTD TV Stand for PT50DL14 50" DLP Rear Projection TV, Silver color finish, Dimensions: 46.5"W x 17.3"H x 16.0"D, Weight: 55.0 lbs, One adjustable shelf, Alternative to PT50DLSTD2 (PT-50DLSTD PT50DLST PT50DLS PT50DL PT50D PT50)


Brand: Akai

Price: $85.13      Add to Cart Qty:    
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Akai PT50DLSTD TV Stand for PT50DL14 50" DLP Rear Projection TV, Silver color finish, Dimensions: 46.5"W x 17.3"H x 16.0"D, Weight: 55.0 lbs, One adjustable shelf, Alternative to PT50DLSTD2.

General Information



Manufacturer Part Number


Product Name

TV Stand for PT50DL14 50" DLP™ Rear Projection TV

UPC Code



  • Stand for PT50DL14 - 50" DLP™ Rear Projection TV
  • Silver color finish
  • Dimensions: 46.5"W x 17.3"H x 16.0"D
  • Weight: 55.0 lbs
  • One adjustable shelf



*This item is BRAND NEW - not refurbished. It comes with all manufacturer supplied accessories, and full manufacturer's USA warranty.

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