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Security Systems > Security Systems Accessories > Amseco 4150004 Model SSX-51 Indoor/Outdoor Self-contained Armored Siren, Beige, Indoor/Outdoor 15 watt armored siren, 122dB sound output, Warble sound output, Rust-free aluminum die cast housing, Polarized 12VDC input with reverse polarity protection, Dual-action reed tamper switch (415-0004 4150004SSX51 4150004 SSX-51 SSX51 SSX 51 4150004-SSX51)
Amseco 4150004 Model SSX-51 Indoor/Outdoor Self-contained Armored Siren, Beige, Indoor/Outdoor 15 watt armored siren, 122dB sound output, Warble sound output, Rust-free aluminum die cast housing, Polarized 12VDC input with reverse polarity protection, Dual-action reed tamper switch (415-0004 4150004SSX51 4150004 SSX-51 SSX51 SSX 51 4150004-SSX51)
Amseco 4150004 Model SSX-51 Indoor/Outdoor Self-contained Armored Siren, Beige, Indoor/Outdoor 15 watt armored siren, 122dB sound output, Warble sound output, Rust-free aluminum die cast housing, Polarized 12VDC input with reverse polarity protection, Dual-action reed tamper switch (415-0004 4150004SSX51 4150004 SSX-51 SSX51 SSX 51 4150004-SSX51)

SKU: 4150004

Brand: Amseco

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Amseco 4150004 Model SSX-51 Indoor/Outdoor Self-contained Armored Siren, Beige, Indoor/Outdoor 15 watt armored siren, 122dB sound output, Warble sound output, Rust-free aluminum die cast housing, Polarized 12VDC input with reverse polarity protection, Dual-action reed tamper switch, Up-front screw terminals for easier field wiring, Suitable with use for most control panels, Mounts directly to the wall or to 4” square back box, 60,000 candle power strobe

General Information



Manufacturer Part Number


Product Name

Model SSX-51 Indoor/Outdoor Self-contained Armored Siren, Beige

Marketing Information

The SSX-51 is a patented Indoor/Outdoor, self-contained, 15 watt armored siren. The full featured siren consists of a single-tone that delivers a warble sound output, light weight rust proof aluminum die-cast housing, a 122dB output siren driver and dual-action N/O (normally open) reed plunger switch for normally closed loop. The armored siren DOES NOT require additional modules, metal boxes, tamper switches, special tools, or training to install and operate. The SSX-51 series comes completely assembled and ready for installation.

The SSX-51 series is ideally suited for noisy heavy machinery areas, warehouses, loading docks, print shops, busy production floors or for Indoo/Outdoor applications where high quality and high output warning is required.


  • Indoor/Outdoor 15 watt armored siren
  • 122dB sound output
  • Warble sound output
  • Rust-free aluminum die cast housing
  • Polarized 12VDC input with reverse polarity protection
  • Dual-action reed tamper switch
  • Up-front screw terminals for easier field wiring
  • Suitable with use for most control panels
  • Mounts directly to the wall or to 4” square back box
  • 60,000 candle power strobe
  • 6 ~ 12V DC Input Voltage
  • 0.56 Amps Current Draw
  • 4.8 ~ 14.4V DC Operating Voltage Range
  • 0.3A @ 12V DC Tamper Contact Capacity


*This item is BRAND NEW - not refurbished. It comes with all manufacturer supplied accessories, and full manufacturer's USA warranty.

*** DISCLAIMERS: 1) Some information may have been supplied by 3rd Party Content Suppliers: We are not responsible for Data or Image errors.  2) Availability is not guaranteed: Call or email us to check stock before placing your order.  We attempt to only show available products but sometimes products sell out before we can update the product webpage.  3) We do not offer Installation, Training or Technical Support on this product.***
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