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Dictaphone ODP5220 Walkabout 5220 Dictation Kit, Portable, Holds: 3 Folders, 2 Priorities, 10 Work Types, 10 Work Groups, 10 Typists, 1 Reference Number and 16 Indexing/Infos, Replaced 5215 DTP-5215 DTP5215, which in turn replaced 5210 DTP-5210 DTP5210 DP5210 (ODP 5220 ODP-5220 DP5220 DP-5220 ODP DP DTP 5220 DTP5220 DTP0DP5220 DTP-5220 DTP-0DP5220 0DP5220 DTP 0DP 5220 DTP-0DP-5220 0DP5220)


Califone CLS729-4 4-Position Wireless Listening Center, Freq 72.900mHz Color Coded - Green; Four Wireless Headphones; Wireless Transmitter; 100’+ transmitter range for convenience in any setting; For the specialized needs of wireless group or 1:1 instruction with differentiated learning rates for an unlimited number of students; UPC 610356312001 (CLS7294 CLS-7294 CLS-729 CLS729)


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