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Outdoors > Tools > Kawasaki 840534 Rotary Tool 233 Piece Set, 120 Volts/60 Hertz/1.5 Amps, No load speed 10,000 - 35,000 RPM, Includes a table mount 36-Inch flex shaft, Comes with cutting, polishing, carving, buffing, grinding, sharpening, engraving, and sanding tools, Plastic carrying case, Shipping Weight 32lbs (840-534 840 534)
Kawasaki 840534 Rotary Tool 233 Piece Set, 120 Volts/60 Hertz/1.5 Amps, No load speed 10,000 - 35,000 RPM, Includes a table mount 36-Inch flex shaft, Comes with cutting, polishing, carving, buffing, grinding, sharpening, engraving, and sanding tools, Plastic carrying case, Shipping Weight 32lbs (840-534 840 534)
Kawasaki 840534 Rotary Tool 233 Piece Set, 120 Volts/60 Hertz/1.5 Amps, No load speed 10,000 - 35,000 RPM, Includes a table mount 36-Inch flex shaft, Comes with cutting, polishing, carving, buffing, grinding, sharpening, engraving, and sanding tools, Plastic carrying case, Shipping Weight 32lbs (840-534 840 534)

SKU: 840534

Brand: Kawasaki

Price: $50.92      Add to Cart Qty:    
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Kawasaki 840534 Rotary Tool 233 Piece Set, 120 Volts/60 Hertz/1.5 Amps, No load speed 10,000 - 35,000 RPM, Includes a table mount 36-Inch flex shaft, Comes with cutting, polishing, carving, buffing, grinding, sharpening, engraving, and sanding tools, Plastic carrying case, Shipping Weight 32lbs

General Information



Manufacturer Part Number


Product Name

Rotary Tool 233 Piece Set


  • 120 Volts/60 Hertz/1.5 Amps
  • No load speed: 10,000 - 35,000 RPM
  • Includes a table mount 36" flex shaft
  • Comes with cutting, polishing, carving, buffing, grinding, sharpening, engraving, and sanding tools
  • Plastic carrying case
  • Shipping Weight (lbs): 32


*This item is BRAND NEW - not refurbished. It comes with all manufacturer supplied accessories, and full manufacturer's USA warranty.

*** DISCLAIMERS: Some information on this page may have been supplied by 3rd Party Content Suppliers, so we are not responsible for Data or Image errors. Availability is not guaranteed: Call or email us to check stock before placing your order. We do not offer Installation, Training or Technical Support on this product.***

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