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Educational Products > Language (Cardmaster & Magnetic card) Programs
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Califone MCFBV1 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Basic Vocabulary Words 1; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster, UPC 610356330005 (MCF-BV1 MCFBV-1 MCFBV MC-FBV1)
Califone MCFBV1 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Basic Vocabulary Words 1; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster, UPC 610356330005 (MCF-BV1 MCFBV-1 MCFBV MC-FBV1)
Califone MCFBV2 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Basic Vocabulary Words 2; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster; UPC 610356331002 (MCF-BV2 MCFBV-2 MCFBV MC-FBV2)
Califone MCFBV2 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Basic Vocabulary Words 2; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster; UPC 610356331002 (MCF-BV2 MCFBV-2 MCFBV MC-FBV2)
Califone MCFM Money Words Card Reader Cards, Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader, Optional blank cards allow creation of additional teacher created lessons and a permanent record of student progress, Clearly labelled box for quick and easy identification, Reproduceable teach reference chart to progress, UPC 610356347003 (MC-FM MCF-M)
Califone MCFM Money Words Card Reader Cards, Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader, Optional blank cards allow creation of additional teacher created lessons and a permanent record of student progress, Clearly labelled box for quick and easy identification, Reproduceable teach reference chart to progress, UPC 610356347003 (MC-FM MCF-M)
Califone MCFSS Survival Signs Card Reader Cards, Clearly labelled box for quick and easy identification and classroom applications, Reproduceable teacher reference chart to track progress, Reading and writing skills develop in a variety of ways, this program enables students to link visible letters with the sounds they hear, UPC 610356349007 (MC-FSS MCF-SS)
Califone MCFSS Survival Signs Card Reader Cards, Clearly labelled box for quick and easy identification and classroom applications, Reproduceable teacher reference chart to track progress, Reading and writing skills develop in a variety of ways, this program enables students to link visible letters with the sounds they hear, UPC 610356349007 (MC-FSS MCF-SS)
Califone MCFSW1 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Sight Words 1; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster, UPC 610356332009 (MCF-SW1 MCFSW-1 MCFSW MC-FSW1)
Califone MCFSW1 Supplemental Reading and Writing, Sight Words 1; Provides vocal mirroring capabilities when used with a CardMaster Card Reader; A card is selected and played through the CardMaster, UPC 610356332009 (MCF-SW1 MCFSW-1 MCFSW MC-FSW1)
HamiltonBuhl RBLE-36 Study Buddy 36 Pack of Double Sided, Accessory for Study Buddy, One pack of 36 re-useable double sided cards (HAMILTONBUHLRBLE36 RBLE36 RBLE 36)
HamiltonBuhl RBLE-36 Study Buddy 36 Pack of Double Sided, Accessory for Study Buddy, One pack of 36 re-useable double sided cards (HAMILTONBUHLRBLE36 RBLE36 RBLE 36)
HamiltonBuhl STBDY-1 Card Reader Kit, Includes 1 card reader & 36 re-usable double sided cards, Audio card reader/recorder, Create your own flash cards custom to your curriculum, Maximum memory 72 cards, Three "AAA" batteries (not included), Facilitate station learning by disseminating prerecorded instructions that can be listened to as needed, UPC 681181321001 (HAMILTONBUHLSTBDY1 STBDY1 STBDY 1)
HamiltonBuhl STBDY-1 Card Reader Kit, Includes 1 card reader & 36 re-usable double sided cards, Audio card reader/recorder, Create your own flash cards custom to your curriculum, Maximum memory 72 cards, Three "AAA" batteries (not included), Facilitate station learning by disseminating prerecorded instructions that can be listened to as needed, UPC 681181321001 (HAMILTONBUHLSTBDY1 STBDY1 STBDY 1)
HamiltonBuhl WRN-36 Study Buddy 36 pack of Double Sided, Write-On Flash Cards, One pack of 36 double sided write on cards (HAMILTONBUHLWRN36 WRN36 WRN 36)
HamiltonBuhl WRN-36 Study Buddy 36 pack of Double Sided, Write-On Flash Cards, One pack of 36 double sided write on cards (HAMILTONBUHLWRN36 WRN36 WRN 36)

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