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Health Products > Stethoscopes > 3M-Littmann 4000 Electronic Stethoscope, Recording, storage, and playback capabilities, Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC (12400020, Electronic 4000, 4000 )
3M-Littmann 4000 Electronic Stethoscope, Recording, storage, and playback capabilities, Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC (12400020, Electronic 4000, 4000 )
3M-Littmann 4000 Electronic Stethoscope, Recording, storage, and playback capabilities, Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC (12400020, Electronic 4000, 4000 )

SKU: 12400020

Brand: 3M-LIttmann

Price: $435.17      Add to Cart Qty:    
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3M-Littmann 4000 Electronic Stethoscope, Recording, storage, and playback capabilities, Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC (12400020, Electronic 4000, 4000)

3M-Littmann 4000 Electronic Stethoscope, Recording, storage, and playback capabilities, Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC, LCD display in chestpiece, including heart rate readout, Twenty hours of continuous use from two AAA alkaline batteries, Digital recording and storage of sounds on six distinct tracks.

General Information



Manufacturer Part Number


Product Line

Product Name Electronic Stethoscope (4000)
Marketing Information The technologically advanced Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 4000 offers amplification up to eighteen times greater than the best conventional Littmann stethoscope. Superior acoustics are combined with digital signal processing offering recording, storage and playback capabilities. Plus, sounds can be downloaded to an IBM-compatible computer, stored, shared or retrieved for further analysis.


  • Amplification up to 18x greater than best Littmann
  • Recording, storage, and playback capabilities
  • Recorded sounds can be downloaded to a PC
  • Uses Two AAA battery


  • Eighteen times the amplification (25 dB) of the most advanced conventional Littmann stethoscope makes difficult sounds easier to hear.

  • Filter circuitry provides three frequency response modes for optimal heart and lung auscultation:
    - Bell (20-200 Hz)
    - Diaphragm (100-500 Hz)
    - Extended Range (20-1000 Hz)

  • Digital recording and storage of sounds on six distinct tracks.

  • Instant playback at normal and half speed.

  • Infrared transmission of recorded sounds to another Model 4000 or IBM-compatible PC.

  • LCD display in chestpiece, including heart rate readout.

  • Twenty hours of continuous use from two AAA alkaline batteries.

  • Excellent acoustic seal and comfortable fit with patented 3Mâ„¢ Littmann® Snap Tight Soft-Sealing Eartips.

  • Comfortably angled, anatomically correct headset.

  • Patient-friendly, nonchill rim.

  • Chestpiece sized for adult or pediatric patients.


*This item is BRAND NEW - not refurbished. It comes with all manufacturer supplied accessories, and full manufacturer's USA warranty.

*** DISCLAIMERS: Some information on this page may have been supplied by 3rd Party Content Suppliers, so we are not responsible for Data or Image errors. Availability is not guaranteed: Call or email us to check stock before placing your order. We do not offer Installation, Training or Technical Support on this product.***

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